Kathy Weber coordinates tabling at a select number of local events. You can reach her at our email address, [email protected]. In the meantime, here’s a list of our most valued handouts—the ones people reached for most often.
Many of these handouts are available for free at Trees Foundation, 439 Melville Road, in Garberville. Trees Foundation's small part time staff does not keep regular hours, so it is always best to call the office before coming in at (707) 923-4377, or you can email [email protected].
Local Defensible Space Professionals for Hire
A list of crews and operators in our area.
Help us build this list!
If you are or know a local professional please email [email protected] or call (707) 923-4377
Living with Wildfire in Northwestern California
A 76-page magazine from the Humboldt County Fire Safe Council (HCFSC), a comprehensive resource on fire/disaster preparation, fire behavior, fire agencies, and more! (Look for hardcopies at local stores. If you need a bundle of 25, contact the Humboldt County Fire Safe Council, [email protected]
Tools for Homestead Fire Safety and Suppression
Basic homesteader tools for fuels reduction and firefighting. A Kathy Weber production, includes a list of local suppliers.
Developing Water Supplies Pamphlet
A 4-page handout from Mendocino County FSC. Covers how to set up a homestead “Fire Hydrant,” draft system, portable pumps, and plumbing considerations.
Evacuation Checklist
A detailed and prioritized list for the 0-6 hour window of time before evacuation; one page, from UC Extension.
Home Hardening and Defensible Space resources from the HCFSC:
Preparing Your Home for Wildfire
An outstanding and well illustrated guide to home hardening and defensible space. It’s designed as a 4-fold 11”x17” pamphlet/ centerfold poster.
HCFSC Home Risk Assessment
8 pages of excellent detailed info on what to do to harden your home and why it matters. Conduct your own assessment!
CAL FIRE Low Cost Retrofit List
Straightforward ways to increase fire resiliency of your home and property, including easy do-it-yourself projects!