Home Hardening Webinar with Yana Valachovic

Presented by the Garberville Fire Safe Group, host of Fire Safety Fridays
Join us on April 6th at 7pm for a presentation and Q&A about the ways that home construction and design can make your home more resilient to wildfire. Learn about how simple, inexpensive changes can make all the difference in the survivability of your home. Whether you are a homeowner, a renter, or a contractor, making smart choices when it comes to materials and design is a proven way to help buildings withstand wildfires. Come and discover the science of how wildfires threaten your home and what you can do to prevent it with local expert Yana Valachovic.

Yana Valachovic is the County Director – Forest Advisor of the University of California Cooperative Extension in Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. She is an expert on wildfire resilience and mitigation as well as building performance in a wildfire. Please join us on Wednesday, April 6th at 7pm by using the Zoom link below.
If you would like to submit photos of your home for analysis during the presentation, please send them to [email protected] by April 4th.
Trees Foundation is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Home Hardening with Yana Valachovic
Time: Apr 6, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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