Southern Humboldt Fire Community Celebration

Please join us on Saturday, April 15th from 2pm-6pm for this FREE family-friendly community event. We will have live music, food, many raffle prizes, a Kidzone and Fire Trucks! We are celebrating a string of recent successes for our southern Humboldt fire community, including:
– Local voters saying YES to expanding the Garberville Fire Protection District and forming the Salmon Creek Fire Protection District!
– National recognition of Garberville, Benbow, and Salmon Creek as official Firewise Communities
-Federal Grant Awards for substantial evacuation and fire preparedness projects put forth by the Briceland Volunteer Fire Department, Shelter Cove Resort Improvement District, and Petrolia-based Mattole Restoration Council
Many local fire groups will have info tables where attendees can learn how to plan and prepare for emergencies and evacuations, and what to expect from the County Office of Emergency Services and CAL FIRE during a wildfire emergency. Yana Valachovic, Forest Advisor for UC Cooperative Extension, will present on Home Hardening and other fire preparedness topics and Manny Mello, a Certified Insurance Counselor and a member of the Humboldt County Fire Safe Council, will provide information and answer questions on the current state of home fire insurance.
This event is FREE but you’ll want to bring some cash for a chance to win one of our many great Raffle Prizes, including:
-A 2-person crew with a Chipper and saws for 4 hours of FREE fuels reduction services from Lost Coast Tree and Habitat.
-MULTIPLE Gift Cards for Amelia’s Take Out, Lost Frenchman, Eel River Cafe, Woodrose Cafe, Deb’s Great American Hamburger, the Redwood Palace, The Benbow Inn, AllSport, Garden of Beadin’, and Signature Coffee. (Thank you Vocality Community Credit Union for sponsoring our community gift card prizes!)
-a King-size Handmade Quilt
This event is a collaboration between Southern Humboldt Fire Safe Council, the County of Humboldt, Garberville Firewise, University of California Cooperative Extension, CAL FIRE, and other local collaborators.
Coming out for this FREE event is a great way to say thank you and show your support for your local volunteer fire community. For more information, visit the Facebook event page. We hope to see you there!